Thursday, June 9, 2011

Uh Oh!

Uh oh! Today I am experiencing some dreaded Blogger troubles! I cannot see my followers nor the followers on some other people's blogs--yikes! Just empty space on the template. Is anyone else having this trouble today? I know that several of you have had these problems.

I'm feeling a little nervous about it. Is it just a temporary glitch or a sign of more trouble to come? I would love to hear from others if you're having this trouble now, if you had it before but are not anymore, and if you had this trouble but solved the problem. Solutions would be fantastic, but even some moral support would be great. :-)

I feel that Mr. Sad Slug is in order as a photograph to accompany this post. :-( What do you think?

Don't forget that my blog giveaway is still running through June 18, 2011. It is not too late to win a prize!

Until next time.... xoxo Jennifer and Mr. Sad Slug


  1. Hi Jennifer, the same thing happened to me & it went on for about a week. I went on the 'known issues' at the bottom of my dashboard page & clicked 'following' & there was a form for me to fill in (with details about my blog) - it was sorted soon after....hope this all makes sense & is some help! Love the slug, whether he be sad or not - he's adorable! Hope you get sorted soon! :) x

  2. los problemas van y vienen, y solo se puede esperar a que los solucionen...mi apoyo moral!

  3. Thanks HelenLovesCashmere and Carmen. I really appreciate the moral support and ideas. I just went to the Blogger forum and left my question. Hopefully my problem will be sorted out "soon after" too!

  4. And more "Uh! Oh!"
    Mis seguidores también han desaparecido, a algunos les funciona cambiar a Google Chrome, pero no a mi.
    Un abrazo

  5. I see the same thing on my blog. There seems to have been issues for about the past month, if it's not one thing, it's another! lol ;)

  6. Rosamargarita and Dale--Thanks for the information! Google Chrome--I will ask my hubby about that--he handles the technical stuff around here! ;-)There are a few of us with these problems. Are there more out there?

  7. My followers have disapeared as of this morning too. I use Firefox, but people who use Internet Explorer seem to have the same troubles, so it probably isn't a browser based issue. I guess we just have to wait for Blogger to sort themselves out.

  8. Hi Alennka--Thanks for the moral support. Sorry you're having this trouble too, but it does ease my mind knowing that I'm not alone. I sure hope it gets fixed soon (for everyone)!

  9. I have the same problem with the followers

  10. Thanks Pilar! I sure hope this gets fixed soon! :-)

  11. I think we all have problems with blogger these days... the strange thing is - for me, they keep changing. One day my translator gets lost in the Nirvana, next day my followers are out of sight... I'm very thankful that these problems were only temporary so far (QUICK!!! Get me a piece of wood - knock, knock, knock). But I have two very close blogfriends that sent me an E-Mail explaining that they aren't able to comment on my blog anymore - while most people can...

    So here's a big virtual hug to you- things are getting better. I hope... ;O)


  12. I had the problem with the followers also. I couldnt see mine or others. then it was fine. But now i can see mine but not all I hope its fixed soon. So Keep those critters coming.They are so cute i always smile on your blog. :)

  13. Yo tuve el problema 3 días pero desapareció sin modificar nada. Yo uso Safari. Un saludo, Eva

  14. Thanks so much Birgit, Maria Ireland, and Eva! I appreciate your support!

    Maria--thank you for your sweet comment about my critters! I'll do my best to get my next miniature vignette up for your enjoyment! :-D

  15. Woohoo! Yay Blogger! The problem is fixed, at least for me! Way to go! I love you, Blogger! :-)

  16. Yo estoy dias que no tengo seguidores, dias que no puedo subir trabajos a mi blog, dias que no puedo dejar comentarios en los otros blogs.......esto es desesperante.
    besitos ascension

  17. Allthough I don't spend a lot of time on blogs at the moment... I only have troubles with any blog that I visit and it is driving me nuts lol!

    Hugs Jollie

  18. Ascension--I'm so sorry! Blogger says that they fixed the followers problem. Can you see your followers now? I hope everything gets better for you very, very soon!

  19. Oh Jollie, You are very funny! I hope it gets better for you right away. What has been keeping your attention elsewhere? Is it your new fun critters? Hope you're having fun, whatever you are doing!

  20. It has happened to most of us over the last few years since I joined Blogger. There will be more glitches to come, J, but we all live ..hahha :)

    Your sad slugger is sooooooooooo cute, can i pinch his cheeks?

  21. Hai vinto 3 tegoline nel mio give away....per favore inviami l'indirizzo per potertele spedire!!!!

  22. Hi Sans! Thanks for the pep talk! I'm pinching Mr. Sad Slug's cheeks for you right now! :-)

  23. Hi Patrizia! I won? What did I win? I'm so excited! Thank you!

  24. ¡Pero que simpático !!!!
    Me encanta Jennifer ( =

  25. Flor--You're so sweet to me! You make my day! :-)

  26. Yes, every day it seems there is a different Blogger problem :) Mr Sad Slug is SO cute! Erika Price Jewelry

  27. I have had this problem too..

    Love Mr.Sad Slug!


  28. It's a problem since last month! Hope they're changing it to make it better!love the slug~

  29. Hi Jennifer!
    Blogger just wants to make you crazy! I never know if I did something or if it's a glitch. Thanks for coming over! Love the slug!

  30. I am also sad because I can find no way to be signed in while viewing a blog page in order to follow it. I am following you by adding you to my favourite web sites :(

  31. Jennifer, thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog! :)
    I came here to see your plush critters and i felt in love with all of them! They're so cute!
    Don't worry about the follower's trouble, blogger is working very bad lately, I couldn't see my followers and I couldn't make comment in some blogs.

  32. Hi Jennifer,

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment...which has lead me here :-) You have a lovely, quirky, aesthetic sense that I really enjoy.

    And, as many have commented, I also had trouble with blogger a few days ago; same as you described. Seems back to normal now (we hope!).

    Take care,


  33. Hi Jennifer, thank you for your comments. The English traslation ha salways been there ;o) I have been writing both in Ialian and English for the last two years. You only have to look for the green haed letter at the beginning of each paragraph.See you soo, Rosanna

  34. Found a way to follow :).

    The "follow" button above the followers' avis worked for me even though the page is showing me as not being signed in.

    Blogger seems to be having a lot of problems recently. I couldn't see my followers for several days on two occasions recently.

  35. Hi, thanks for passing by my blog..I'm so new to all this crafting stuff and it's nice to get some good feedback.
    I've had a little browse through yours and I just love the vibrant colours, such a cheerful blog and your plushies are adorable!!

  36. Hello Erika, Leny, Minnie Kitchen, and Cinderella Moments! Thank you for your nice comments, especially about Mr. Sad Slug! Welcome!

  37. Belen, Beth, and Lisa, thank you so much for your nice comments about my plushies--that's so nice of you! Welcome!

  38. rosanna, thank you so much for explaining it all to me. I was missing the English translation on your blog until yesterday! Where were my eyes? :-) I look forward to reading more of your blog posts!

  39. Blue Kitty Miniatures--Welcome! I am so glad that your problem got solved and that you are here. Thanks for commenting and becoming a follower of my blog!

  40. Hi MiniAussie! Thanks for coming on over and for your sweet comment. Thanks, too, for becoming a follower of my blog. Welcome!

  41. hi Jennifer, Thank you kindly for your visit . I am not sure if you are my follower because I can't see and i can not follow anyone right now as blogspot is acting up on me but as soon i can , i will come back! Smiles~

  42. Hi Patricia Cabrera, Yes, I'm following your blog. Sorry you're still having trouble with Blogger. Come back anytime--you are welcome here!


Thank you for commenting! I LOVE comments! And I read every one of them. :-)