Saturday, June 4, 2011

My Interview on Carina's Craftblog!

When Carina of Carina's Craftblog asked me for an interview, I was thrilled! My first interview--yay! And what an honor to be asked by Carina! I've been following her blog for quite a while, and I enjoy it so much. She has a really nice mix of subjects on her blog, including embroidery projects, photography tips, giveaways, lovely photos from her travels, freebies, and interviews with crafters like me. I love how her blog is so positive and inspiring.

Check out my interview, where Carina asks me about my creative process and more. I share about plushies, miniatures, my craft room, and some bits from my personal life. It's a chance to get to know me better. There's even a photo of me!

I'm laughing about that photo bit, because when I first started my blog, I was really shy and only included a picture of Plushpussycat and didn't even have my name on the blog! Over time, I got a little more comfortable and added my first name and a picture of me from a funny angle (the one that is on my right-hand sidebar now). Finally, I put my full name on my blog. Now, with this interview, there's a big photo of me--no hiding anymore. ;-)

I hope you enjoy the interview and enjoy checking out Carina's Craftblog--it really is lovely. And Monday I really will show you Klara's wonderful giveaway gifts--I promise! And I'll give you an update on my blog giveaway! Until next time.... xoxo Jennifer


  1. Oh Jenni! ahora eres MÁS famosa! me gustó mucho el blog de tu amiga y tu entrevista!

  2. Jen, I feel like I know you so much more now after having read the interview! I am glad to have known you. Thanks for sharing.

    You know that bit about mindfulness and meditation got me thinking if we may have the same interests :).

    I also totally agree with you on purchases from an artist. I treasure these purchases so much more and even if they are damaged, I hardly ever (in fact never) trow them away :).

  3. Me ha gustado conocerte mejor a través de la entrevista. Tus muñecos dicen mucho de ti, son divertidos y originales. Un saludo, Eva

  4. I enjoyed the interview! It's so insipiring to read about people, who have a passion. I share many of your views and interests. And Carina's Craftblog looks amazing, have to join as her reader. Keep on blogging!

  5. Jennifer es un placer conocerte y ponerte "cara".
    Voy a pasarme a leer tu entrevista, gracias por el enlace.
    Es siempre muy agradable ver tus comentarios en mi blog, te lo agradezco.
    besitos ascension

  6. Rosamargarita, Sans!, Eva, Sanne, Ascension--Thank you all for your sweet comments! I appreciate them so much! I'm glad to hear that some of you are interested in Carina's Craftblog--I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

    It was fun and scary to do the interview. I hope to get to know you all better too.

    Sans!, I felt the same way about common interests after reading your post about your stay in the tiny room. :-)

    Wishing everyone a lovely day! :-)

  7. Lovely stuff! Just found you through Carina's craftblog. Looking forward to reading through and see what's up! I love working with repurposed materials, especially wool.

    Your new friend in Sebastopol, Calif

  8. PS Very inspiring! Amy

  9. Jennifer ahora voy a ver la entrevista ( =
    Pero primero te digo que es un placer conocerte (por fotografía)Y transmites muchísimas cosas lindas!!!
    Sobre todo una mirada que da mucha paz , amabilidad, bondad, nobleza, entre muchas más cualidades.

  10. Bianta! Welcome to Plushpussycat! Thank you for your lovely comments and hope to see you here again. :-)

  11. Flor, you are embarassing me! :-) Do you read faces often? I guess we all do, trying to learn what we can about a person even before speaking with them. I appreciate your comment very much and know from reading your blog that you are gentle and kind--that's the highest compliment that I give!


Thank you for commenting! I LOVE comments! And I read every one of them. :-)