Saturday, October 13, 2012

Guinea Pig Love

I didn't realize that when I bought Gino the dollhouse miniature guinea pig from LugArtPetit that I would fall in love with guinea pigs so much. Gino is a real sweetheart:

And so is my little Rufus:

I just got Rufus a couple of weeks ago. He is a year old and the most adorable thing. He trills when he hears the rustling of plastic bags (he thinks it's time for food!). He runs around the huge, luxurious cage my husband built for him. He curls up and sleeps in his little hut and hides in his tunnel. He takes carrots from our hands too!

His pen / cage is near our dining room table, so we can watch his antics while we eat. We laugh and smile so much while we eat together. A big thank you goes to Ines of Liliput Things blog, who answered many questions about guinea pigs before I got him. He's keeping me busy these days, but not too busy, which is good.

I couldn't resist his sweet face!

You see, I've been trying to carve out more time in my schedule for creating. So far, I think Rufus is a little inspiration for me. I hope to show you some new creations soon! xoxo Jennifer


  1. Hi, Jennifer!!!
    Ohhh, your mini guinea pig, Gino is really wonderful!!!
    And what can I say about Rufus???
    He is so adorable!!! Like you said he has a very sweet face! I love him!!!
    The pets are the most beautiful and lovely thing in our lives!
    They fill our lives with joy and love!
    Have to much fun with him!!!
    Hugs to you and hugs to Rufus,

  2. Haha, Rufus is adorable :-))) and I love his name! Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs, Sandra

  3. Oh, Rufus is gorgeous! I hope Gino gets on well with him ;) My guinea pig Cheryl sends a piggy whistle to Rufus.

  4. Oohhh Jennifer, what a darling sweet
    guinea pig, and what a lovely name, Rufus,he looks very intelligent, be carefull otherwise he will rule the Rydell residence in no time hahahahha
    Have a great weekend and much fun with Rufus :)

    Hugs Mieke xxx

  5. i can't get over how cute that tiny little guinea pig (the miniature one sitting on the chair) is!

    Rufus is pretty cute too! ;)

  6. Both of them are adorable, there is nothing like the love of a a pet to bring a family together.

    Hugs, Fi x

  7. They both are sweet! Good Rufus make you smile.:) Animals do it to us all.:)
    Enjoy your time with him, Jennifer.:)

  8. Hi Jennifer, Rufus is a darlin' guinea pig, I like your both darling guinea pigs. My daughter has 6 of these piggies. She always takes guinea pigs from a shelter, where people have dumped their guinea pigs for one reason or another, o yes, they do that :(. She gives them so much love to make their old age a bit enjoyable.
    Have a nice weekend and much fun with Rufus. Hugs, Ilona

  9. que bonito , tener una mascota en casa siempre es entretenido , seguro que disfrutaras mucho de Rufus , se ve muy guapo



  10. Oh Jennifer, Rufus is so sweet! How good he's able to entertain you. Are we going to see little guinea piggies in you scenes, along with cute Gino?
    Hugs, Drora

  11. Rufus and Gino are so very cute! I love how miniatures can inspire us in real life and real life inspire us to make miniatures.

  12. Rufus is so cute and sympathetic! Miniature one has the exact essence of a guinea pig, it's perfect!

  13. Guinea pigs are cute in ANY size, apparently. Rufus is adorable! And I kind of want one of those little tiny ones (as if I need a pet). Rufus is lucky to have such a wonderful owner. So cute!

  14. He are true miniature and so cute.

  15. They are both too stinkin' cute!!! I've always been partial to the tinier dwarf hamster type of rodent, but Guinea pigs are wonderful pets so I've heard. :D

  16. Rufus is such a cutie pie!! I want to cuddle him:)

  17. Gino es hermoso, sin embargo Rufus es adorable, me gusta mucho
    Un abrazo
    GRACIAS por no tener palabra de verificación

  18. i am not that much into pets...but Rufus does look adorable! :)

  19. He's a cutie!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing photos ~ :)

  20. Hi Jennifer!
    Rufus is so so sweet!
    I thank you for having saved a so dear little animal.
    They all deserve help and a home!
    Anything you need to say!


  21. Your miniature guinea pig is very sweet. Your real one reminds me of the one my brother had when he was a boy. He was the favourite in the house.

  22. Aw, Rufus is so cute! My son has been begging me for a guinea pig...and I plan to get him one someday. They are so adorable. :)

  23. Oh Jennifer Rufus is so adorable!!!! I'm in love :0)There's something so incredibly lovable and special about guinea pigs, and I especially love black ones. I had a several black guinea pigs when I was little and they were my favorites!! The cage you hubby's made is amazing and if I was a gunia pig I would definately want to live in one of those, it's the best guinea pig home ever!!!
    Hugs to you and your little one
    vicky ♥ ♥

  24. Olá Jennifer, Rufus é um amor! Realmente os animais de estimação fazem uma grande diferença nas nossas vidas! Aproveite esse momento eu tenho certeza que ele será muito inspirador. beijos em teu coração.

  25. Haha, you're doing it the other way round - ususally people like to have their beloved pets as a miniature, but in your case it was a supercute miniature that made you get yourself a real guinea pig. Rufus is a handsome guy, so nice to hear you like each other so much and he's bringing you loads of joy.


  26. Rufus is adorable!♥
    Don't wonder that he took your heart right away and is giving inspiration to you. Gino is a such a cutie too. :-) Hugs

  27. Hi!

    I have a little challenge to you on my blog :)

    Hugs, Ninni

  28. Awww Jennifer Rufus is so cute. He has a very sweet face I can understand why you fell in love with him. Pets can bring so much joy. His cage is fantastic I am sure he loves it :)
    Hugs Maria

  29. Hi Jennifer, Rufus is GORGEOUS!!! I think guinea pigs make the sweetest pets - they have such wonderful natures & are perfect for 'family' households. All ours have been absolute darlings!
    I can well understand how your cute little furbaby inspires you - he's beautiful! x

  30. Que lindo Rufus.
    Feliz domingo.
    Mil besos...Julia.

  31. Hi Jennifer,
    ooo Rufus is gorgeous :)

  32. I can see how cute Gino inspired you to get Rufus. Rufus is so adorable. That pen is awesome! What a sweet little creature. Enjoy him lots! <3

  33. Nice to meet you, Rufus.

    He is so cute, Jenn! Congrats!

  34. Benvenuto Rufus!!! E' davvero molto tenero, ha un musetto troppo simpatico! Gli animali sanno dare tanto in cambio di niente, sono gli amici più fedeli che possano esistere.
    Hai fatto benissimo ad adottarlo!
    Un bacione,

  35. Rufus is sooo handsome! I wish you will find more time for creating, knowing how hard that is sometimes. It's not just time to actually do something, but you need time to get inspired and get into a correct mood. Happy crafting, Jennifer!!

  36. Rufos es una moneria, disfrútalo.

  37. Rufus se ve adorable, seguro que disfrutaras mucho de su compañia.
    besitos ascension

  38. Hi Jennifer,
    Rufus is so cute. Little animals inside the house give us so much inspiration. Enjoy your new flatmate.
    Hugs from Craftland

  39. Hello Jennifer,
    He is sooo cute. I've never seen one so dark before. I love his coat. he really has the sweetest face...even sweater then Gino's (but please don't tell Gino I said so).
    Big hug,

  40. He is so cute! Me and my sister have had guinea pigs as children, and now she has gotten two more (and the third one, a baby, is coming on Saturday :). On our blog there is also guinea pig posts as well as doll's house posts. Nice that someone else has too!

  41. Rufus is a real little charmer, and what a wonderful coat he has! Do you have any plans to get a piggy friend for him? Only thing more wonderful than one guinea pig is two (or more :D) guinea pigs!

  42. Rufus is the cutest little guinea pig! He reminds me of my dear but departed bunny. Have a good weekend!

  43. Both Gino and Rufus are adorable :-)
    Maybe I should create a pink cushion for Rufus also?
    Gino seems to enjoy it very much...
    Mini hugs to all :-)


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