Monday, June 6, 2011

My Prizes From Klara's Giveaway!

Klara Meijer had an amazing miniatures giveaway a few weeks ago on her blog. I couldn't believe I was so fortunate to win her prize #1. When I heard about it, I was giddy with excitement! It took a couple of weeks to receive Klara's package--the postal service was taking forever (at least in my mind). Finally, one day I opened my mailbox, and what a surprise! The package was there.

I brought the package up to my craft room and started opening it. The first thing I found was an inner package with these words written on it:

I opened the inner packet and found several gift-wrapped presents. Of course, my heart was pounding and my fingers were shaking, I was so excited!

Finally, I opened each present and found treasure after treasure:

Klara made each miniature item with so much thought, care, and skill. I am so touched by her thoughtfulness. Now you can see them laid out in my partially-refurbished vintage heirloom dollhouse:

Klara's mini hat is at the foot of the bed, which is difficult to see in this photograph. Her miniature ladies suitcase is sitting on the settee, her shoes and purse on the pink rug in front of the dressing table, which holds several more of her gifts.

As you can see, this miniature bedroom is very much in the process of being refurbished. However, you can also see how her items set the mood of the room, they are so lovely. Bella the bride bunny fits in so well here with all of this pretty lady-stuff. I will take a better photo once I've completed the house remodel--then you will be able to see Klara's items in all their glory!

Thank you, Klara, for a lovely blog giveaway! I feel so fortunate to have won your lovely prizes! Oh, and speaking of giveaways, don't forget mine here. It closes June 18, so there is still time to enter it for a chance to win several prizes. Until next time.... xoxo Jennifer


  1. How sweet of her, you really got a lot of goodies there! Enjoy. :)

  2. Congratulation! Lucky you.

  3. That's the kind of mail everybody likes... congrats on these lovely gifts, they look as if they were made especially for you with this lovely room in mind.


  4. Enhorabuena, son unas preciosas miniaturas.
    besitos ascension

  5. Jennifer, What a great giveaway you have won!! Everything is lovely! Your "vintage" bedroom looks wonderful and your new treasures fit in nicely.

  6. Felicidades, has recibido un regalo muy bonito. Un saludo, Eva

  7. CUTE! I love how you've incorporated the miniatures! Love your vignettes, as always :)

  8. Thank you Jennifer for your words on my post :o) You are always welcome. I embrace you strong

  9. I so love teeny tiny things, so I am quite smitten by your miniatures!! How adorable, lucky you! I am also fascinated by your doll house adventures so I'll be sure to pop back to see how its going. Nice to meet you (via Jess) xo

  10. Felicitaciones Jenni, son unos regalos hermosos. Te los mereces.
    Un gran abrazo

  11. Welcome Van and Beck--please come back again soon! Thank you to everyone for your lovely comments. Klara had an amazing giveaway with amazing prizes. I feel very blessed, for so many reasons.

  12. So lovely gifts and so nice pictures.... Wonderful!!! :o)

  13. Congratulations Jennifer with the beautiful give away you have won from Klara!
    It looks great in your bedroom :)

    Hugs Jollie

  14. I thought I gave comment before, but it isn't there, so I give it another try. The miniatures look very well in this bedroom as if I made them for it. I am happy you like them and give them a beautiful spot.
    Hugs Klara

  15. Klara--Great to hear from you! Everyone loves your minis! :-)

  16. Jennifer ¡Que regalos más bonitos!!!!
    Un beso

  17. Hola, he dado un repasito a tu blog y haces cositas monísimas. Enhorabuena

  18. What treasures! They are so intricate and beautiful!

  19. This is wonderful Klara!
    thank you for leaving me a comment. I am able to leave comments now but I still can not follow or see the followers on my blog or any blogs. Perhaps things will get better.
    i love how your name is spelled!*grin*

  20. Lucky you! The room looks great! CM

  21. Jennifer, those gifts are just perfect for Klara :)


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