Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Miniatures and My New Cards at Green Bean Books

Green Bean Books' plushy dispensing machine

Remember Green Bean Books? Home of the plushy finger puppet dispenser in a vintage cigarette machine and the fab mustache machine? Yes, that Green Bean Books. :-) Jennifer gave me my big break, by being the first to buy my cards for her shop, and then by offering me a chance to put up a diorama in her shop, right after Maggie Rudy of The House That Mouse Built fame had her diorama there--yay!

Jennifer Green in her amazing store!

Here's the latest:
I was visiting with Jennifer last week, and she's now carrying miniatures in her shop. They're perfect for your dollhouse or next diorama. She had so many cute miniatures for sale that I was bowled over! I even bought a couple of minis while I was there. :-)

Plushpussycat's new birthday cards!

The other fun news is that Green Bean Books is the exclusive seller of my new greeting cards, both the new birthday cards and the new baby card (remember Flossy with the orphan baby bunny?). So if you're in the Portland area, I highly recommend a visit to Green Bean Books--you'll be so glad you did! Until next time, keep it fun! xoxo Jennifer


  1. felicidades por el exito que tienen tus targetas , la verdad es que son muy monas y me alegro que se vendan bien



  2. Поздравляю! Открытки чудесные! Желаю много поклонников!
    С любовью из России. Елена.

  3. congrats! that's awesome news! sounds like a really cool shop too x

  4. Hello from Spain, nice shop. Lovely book. Keep in touch

  5. Hello Jennifer,
    What fun! Congratulations, I know your cards will be a huge success. i will definitely put Grean Bean Books on my visit list.
    Big hug,

  6. Terrific news Jennifer!! Congrats!! :)

  7. Wonderful! Congrats from me,too!!!! :) The birthday cards (and all other..) are ever so nice!

  8. Congratulations! Great news.
    Bye, Faby

  9. I like the idea of vending machine that's very clever!

    Marisa :)

  10. Congratulations Jennifer this is wonderful news. I am sure your new cards will be a great success :)
    Hugs Maria

  11. Huge congrats!!! Love to see your art and passion out there in a store :)

  12. That dispensing machine is just awesome, Jen! I think you are both really lucky to have found each other. Your cards look very at home there :). You can bet your bottom dollar if I am in Portland, I will be in that shop!:)

  13. oh how I love those old cigarette machines turned into vending machines for other things. If I ever saw one I think I would be tempted to buy it for my home! Congrats on selling your card line at Green Bean Books!!! They are so cute- I think they will fly out the door ♥

  14. That is the coolest vending machine, much success to you hon!

  15. Congratulations Jennifer! It's really nice to see your hard work paying off. I think it will be very successful! The vending machine is an excellent idea and the shop looks like a very cool place to visit! Kind regards, Brian.

  16. Congratulations! It seems to be a very nice shop and you must be very proud and glad to have your cards in such a shop.

  17. C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s ! :)
    Wonderful News! I am so happy for you!
    Everything looks so adorable!

  18. Great news! Congrats Jennifer! Wish I could visit that shop one day.:)

  19. In a way I'm glad this shop is so far away from me... it would be really dangerous to me and life-threatening to my bank account... (LOL). I'm so happy for you, that you have found this fantastic shop to sell your cards. I bet your new line will be a great success!


  20. Felicidades por el éxito que estas teniendo con la venta de tus tarjetas, la verdad es que son muy bonitas.

  21. I would love to visit the shop. It looks exciting with all the books. Congratulations you have got your new card into the shop, they will surely be a great success.

  22. Jennifer sono felicissima!!! le tue carte sono meravigliose, sono certa che avranno un grandissimo successo!

  23. How exciting. Love your cards, they are very special. Hugs Pam

  24. It's a very lovely shop with a sweet owner. Your cards are so cute! I'm sure they'll be a hit.
    Hugs, Drora

  25. Wow Congratulations - That shop is So Colorful and Jubilant -Great showplace for your Wonderful Work!!!

  26. The bookstore is really lovely!
    But they are lucky to have your beautiful work. ;)

  27. Congrats! Portland is on my to do list, so if I'm there I'll definitely pop in. Thanks for sharing this great little shop.

  28. Hi Jennifer, congratulations for all that wonderful news, what a lovely bookshop, it is the perfect place for your sweet cards to be selled :)

    Hugs Mieke xxx

  29. I am so glad you are doing well. You deserve it. Your works are amazing. Good luck. x

  30. Hi Jennifer - your news is incredibly exciting!! Congratulations! You are such a fabulous artist..a line of greeting cards - amazing! You must be thrilled! And I am thrilled for you too. Any shop that sells minis has my heart. :D They are so hard to find anymore. Have a great weekend - looking forward to your next blog installment, they're always so wonderful. :) xoxo

    Many mini hugs,

  31. Congratulations! I love those birthday cards. One day they'll be sold in some big chain store. I'll see them here in Texas and I'll say " hey! I know those!" They are so charming, happy and whimsical. You do such a great job with them.

  32. Hello Jennifer,
    fantasic news! Congrats!!
    I love your new cards!!Your dit a geat job!!
    Greetings and a hug

  33. Hola Jennifer
    Enhorabuena, me encantan tus tarjetas
    Haces unos precioso trabajos con ellas.
    Una gran noticia
    besitos ascension

  34. Que suerte tengo de tener una.
    Felicidades Jennifer, te lo mereces.
    Mil besos de tu amiga Julia.

  35. I remember well, because that was so wonderful, when you told us about that this bookstore bought your card. Your new cards are very sweet.

  36. Wow! Cards are such a great idea for you because your scenes are so cheery! I would love to receive a card like that for my birthday. :)


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