Saturday, August 25, 2012

Why My Blog is Now Award-Free

I've thought about writing this post a number of times, but I've hesitated for fear of hurting someone's feelings. I cherish every award that I have ever received and each of the people who have given me an award. It is wonderful to feel part of the group and to be acknowledged. After much thought, however, I've decided to make this an Award-Free Blog.

My reasons are several. First, what about the people who don't receive the awards? I've always felt uncomfortable with competition and also with cliques. That's why I've tried to pass my awards on to all of my readers. I don't like feeling left out, and I don't like leaving others out either.

Then, some of the awards have requirements, like posting the award on your blog. That's like giving free advertising space! Along those same lines, most awards require that you pass the award on to a certain number of people, with links to their blogs, and an email notifying them of the award. I hate to say this, but the rules sometimes start to sound like a chain letter. Whenever I receive email chain letters, by the way, I delete them immediately.

Another thing I'm seeing more of with blog awards is that the winner must answer several questions. When I had a Facebook account, I once saw a little "game" created by a social engineer (social engineering is where someone gathers bits and pieces of information about someone else, and eventually puts the information all together in order to commit fraud). Facebook friends were asking their friends to play this game. In the course of playing the game, a person would end up sharing their mother's maiden name, their first pet's name, and their street number.

Of course I know that the people who have given me awards aren't social engineers, but I'm just saying that I try to be careful about the information I give out on my blog and elsewhere. So I am wary of awards that require me to answer questions.

There are better ways than giving awards, in my opinion, to show you like a blog. You can leave nice comments on that blog; write a post about a blog with a link to the blog; follow a blog (if you use the Google Friend Connect app on your blog, I can follow you back too!); subscribe to a blog's feed; and add a favorite blog to your blogroll. All of these are great ways to show you like someone's blog.

So Plushpussycat blog is now an Award-Free Blog. Thank you again to everyone who has ever given me an award. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and cherish your friendship. Keep having fun! xoxo Jennifer


  1. I think that´s okay. Everybody has a right to have an award free blog :)

  2. Hi Jennifer! I totally agree with you about an award free blog. In the past year I started blogging, it rained awards and there weren't any posts about miniatures:(! It was impossible for me to read all the explanations and I didn't like it too.
    Hugs and keep on blogging about miniatures, my friend!! Ilona

  3. Hi Jennifer,what you say is so true, I never thought about this before, but I must say you hit the nail on the head.
    It is wonderful to feel part of the group and to be acknowledged, and I also don't like to be left out but I also don't like others to be left out.
    So too express my solidarity with you I will do the same :)
    Thank you so much Jennifer for this thoughtful comment, if everyone would think the way you do, the world would be a better place.
    Wishing you a great weekend!

    Hugs Mieke xxx

  4. i agree,too...will also write about it! is not a bad thing, these awards...but totally unnessecary..and to my mind, especially with these (mostly silly) question-games..not adding anything to the real purpose of the blogs!

  5. I agree with some of your opinions ;)

  6. Hi Jennifer :) I have to say I agree with a lot of what you say. I have thought of this before but I guess I did not like to upset anyone by not accepting an award. I will admit it does feel good to get one but then it is very time consuming to follow all the rules. It sometimes means that I dont then have time left to comment. I will think about this a little more before I decide :)
    Hugs Maria

  7. la verdad es que te entiendo perfectamente por que aunque es muy agradable recibir un premio, despues has de elegir a quien darselo y eso a veces es muy complicado , yo tampoco sigo las cartas cadena , no me gustan nada , ademas algunas ocultan virus y cosas asi



  8. Hi Jennifer,
    I totally understand the decision you've made. I think you've expressed it all really well. I decided a while ago that when I recieve awards I won't follow any of the rules :) I just thank the person who gave it to me on my blog. There are enough rules in life and blogging is meant to be fun and happy :) I will have to think more on this too. Thankyou for writing about this so openly and honestly.
    hugs ♥ Vicky ♥

  9. Hello Jennifer! I also understand you very well. As Maria said it does feel good to get award but I am also always thinking about bloggers who do not get any. And as Vicky...I am making my own rules... I also feel that it is difficult to answer questions and nominate blogs. I really want to give award to everybody who ever pays visit to mine!!!
    Jennifer, you do not need to apologize your decision. This is your blog and you do what is right for you. Some others might like awards and it is right too. The main thing is to have fun by blogging. Isn't it!?

  10. Yes you are right and I absolutely agree with you. I am very grateful to the persons who grant me an award but find it very difficult not to share it with all my followers.
    Comments on our posts are the best awards!
    Hugs, Drora

  11. Sai Jennifer, ultimamente anche io pensavo a questa cosa, stanno girando tanti premi e vedo sempre persone meritevoli escluse, mi trovi d'accordo su molti punti, soprattutto sul dover scegliere a chi dare un premio, escludendo altre persone che magari lo meritano mille volte più di me.
    Non sapevo nulla sulla ricerca di informazioni personali attraverso questi sondaggi, io credevo che fosse solo un modo simpatico per conoscersi, ma vedo che sono sempre la solita sognatrice...
    Approvo e condivido la tua decisione, il più bel premio che si possa ricevere è una parola detta con il cuore.
    Un bacio

  12. I do so agree with you, and think you expressed it beautifully.

  13. Jen, this is a wonderful post, you've brought it to the point - and I totally agree with you. As far as I am concerned, I accept awards thankfully and follow the rules as long as the please me, which is usually saying thanks to the person who passed it to me. I never pass it on for different reasons, it's hard work to choose, not to forget or to hurt anyone or to pick one who is award-free... who needs time-killing stuff like that. Well, and if it comes to those silly questions, I'm more on the lucky side than others because I neverever answer them, whenever I feel like joking around with that stuff I have the advantage of having Fluby... and he's able to turn any question that way round that the answer will be strawberry... ;O)


  14. Thankyou for expressing my own sentiments so beautifully.

  15. You know something Jennifer... I never even knew what to do with any awards! It got me some less or more angry emails,"hey, I have just sent you an award" and then I emailed back and thanked the sender :-)
    Also never knew what to make from these Feacebook games, so you have added considerably to my webwisdom. Bwaahaahaa!!!
    Sooooo, in short:you are quite right in my opinion , humble as it must be.

  16. Pues tengo que decirte, que tienes toda la razón en lo que cuentas.

    Soy de tu misma opinión. :)

    Un abrazo.


  17. Jennifer creo que pensándolo cómo tu lo expones llevas mucha razón, yo paricularmente agradezco tu opiníon y creo que lo voy a tener en cuenta.
    Feliz semana.
    Mil besos...Julia.

  18. I totally get where you're coming from. It's wonderful to be given an award but it's horrible to have to pick only a few people to send it on to. I don't like leaving people out and genuinely love all the blogs I follow for lots of different reasons. Good on you for sticking up for what you think is right =0)

  19. Hello Jennifer,
    I totally agree with everything you say. As you follow more and more blogs you realize there are so many diffferent kinds of miniature artists and styles that I just can't pick. I salute your award-free world.
    Big hug,

  20. Hi Jennifer,
    I totally support your decision. Cheers! Giving you what you love most - COMMENTS!!

  21. A very well written post, you deserve an award Jen! oops ..teehee just kidding of course :)

    Seriously though, you have expressed how many people feel about awards :) As I've just told Susan, I love awards but I too stop passing them around since a while ago.

  22. Dear Jennifer, I'm your opinion. A wonderful award is a comment!!!! Of course I am happy, if anyone thinks of me, but the cost is far too high, and to answer questions that I do not find funny. I will change my blog on "Award free". Thanks for the great blog post and food for thought for all of us.
    Hugs from Craftland

  23. I used to get a lot of awards back in the early days of my blog and I eventually tired of them. I didn't want to answer any more questions. I didn't want to pass on an award to someone who might not want to get it or deal with all the hassles. So I eventually phased them out. I totally understand.


  24. Hi Jennifer!
    Please have something for you in my blog!! Go for it!
    Congratulations and thank you very much!
    Ah! I share with you everything you say in this post
    Big hugs!!!

  25. Hello Jennifer, I agree that sometimes émdifícil choose who to give the award, I tried to split the prizes that I ever received by category, sometimes replayed for blogs they deserved and never had won, vezespara other people always comment on my blog, because they think they deserve, but this requires dedication and time, time is very short time .... to answer questions as well ... I do not mind letting people know me a little, because they are usually about fads or tastes, never address or name .... but I respect anyone who does not like to expose. Always believe that people should be comfortable and calm about things, and if for any reason someone is uncomfortable with something should not do. After all life is to be happy! Be happy!! Kisses in your heart.

  26. Hey Jennifer,

    ich halte es genauso mit Awards. Ich finde es wunderbar wenn man einen von einer Freundin bekommt... aber es ist auch immer schade für die Leute, die keinen bekommen. Eigentlich haben wir doch alle recht schöne Blog und es geht doch eigentlich um das miteinander.... nicht um Awards.

    Außerdem ist es auch eine Menge Zeit, die solch ein Award in Anspruch nimmt... und die hat auch nicht jeder.

    Schicke ganz liebe Grüße mit

    PuNo / Monika

    Ps.: Jennifer... ich habe Ihre Anfrage wegen der "Katze im Korb" nicht vergessen. Aber meine Freundin hat sich bis heute auf meine Emails nicht gemeldet. Werde weiter am Ball bleiben.

  27. I absolutely agree with you.
    Three years ago I followed all the blog awards rules but finally for me was a nightmare. I really appreciatte awards but now I never pass it to other blogs or follow the rules.
    A very well written post ☺

  28. Thanks for the perfect post about an imperfect subject! :)


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